I'll Give You $0.10 Every Time You Click This Cookie - playegndary.com

I’ll Give You $0.10 Every Time You Click This Cookie

FaZe Jarvis
Views: 4202919
Like: 156075
Support my channel by playing Mobile Legends: Adventure:
Use my code: 69NHGN2223W for an exclusive bonus: 5 Premium Summon Scrolls. Redemption of bonus code is up to 2000 players.

We went to twitch gaming streamers and donated a lot of money in various ways. A lot of the streamers we picked are Fortnite streamers. featuring @FaZe Nikan @TeaWap . This is part of my ongoing Fortnite Donating To Twitch Streamers series.

🕺 TikTok: @jarvis
📸 Instagram: @fazejarvis
🐦 Twitter: @liljarviss