How to get 130 golden cookies in 5 minutes. My Cookie Clicker 2 AutoClicker setup. -

How to get 130 golden cookies in 5 minutes. My Cookie Clicker 2 AutoClicker setup.

Conor Kelly
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**How it works**

–Golden Cookie AutoClicker (QuickTouch appears as black and green)–
Arranged in a net formation to catch golden cookies that fall anywhere on the screen.

Clicker #5 positioned to dismiss any cookie snitch popups.

No autoclicker is poitioned where an ad can be watched from cookie snitches.

All autoclickers have a start and end delay of 0 milliseconds and a click duration of 1 millisecond. This allows up to 60 clicks per second.

–Cookie Break AutoClicker (ClickAssistant appears as blue and white)–
This autoclicker reduces the wait time for the cookie to be fixed.

Clicker 1 – Turns on the Golden Cookie Autoclicker. Has an end delay of 37 seconds, meaning the next clicker will not activate until after 37 seconds.

Clicker 2 – Turns off the Golden Cookie Autoclicker. Has no end delay.

Clicker 3 – Enters Cookieland. Has no end delay

Clicker 4 – Acts as a troubleshooter. Dismisses any popups that could appear. Has an end delay of 2 seconds in case any loose golden cookies fall.

Clicker 5 – Enters Cookieland. This is useful where Clicker 3 could not enter cookie land. Has an end delay of 1 second to allow cookieland to load.

Clicker 6 – Exits Cookieland. Has no end delay.

*Why do I enter and exit Cookeland?*
Cookieland resets the cookie break timer, turning the 10 second wait into only 5 seconds. This allows over 10% more golden cookies to be clicked.