Cookie clicker Eldeer -

Cookie clicker Eldeer

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In order to obtain this achievement you must click on a reindeer during an elder frenzy. Elder frenzy is a very rare wrath cookie effect that only last at most little over 14 secends. The rarety of this effect combined with its short duration and random nature of reindeer appearances makes this achivement one of the harder ones to obtain. In order to incerse the likelyhood of obtainig it you can use shimmerroses and nursetulips to boost reindeer spown rate, use elderworts to boost wrath cookie spawn rates or use the force the hand of fate spell to spawn an elder frenzy cookie, however an elder frenzy cookie can only spawn from failed casts of the spell, further more the chance of a wrath cookie from a failed spell being an elder frenzy cookie are also very small. Get ready to smash, crash, and dash your way to victory in smash karts io – the high-energy, multiplayer racing game that redefines the thrill of karting with a twist!