Cookie Clicker 100% Speedrun : Days 3 - 4 -

Cookie Clicker 100% Speedrun : Days 3 – 4

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We make it to our first (and second) ascension and thanks to another round of “lump scumming’, we have enough sugar lumps to upgrade the garden mini-game to a 3×3 plot. This means we can get the juicy queenbeet and potentially complete the garden in the next couple days. Along the way, we also discover a strange bug allowing us to extend the “Frenzy” golden cookie effect endlessly. Since this bug is an unavoidable byproduct of save-scumming, I decided to change our rules to allow “glitches”. I figure it’s better to go all-in with exploits since we’re already save-scumming. That being said, the “eternal frenzy” bug wasn’t actually useful at any point.
