Cookie Clicker: 1 Million Cookie Speedrun [23:30.9] (Former World Record) -

Cookie Clicker: 1 Million Cookie Speedrun [23:30.9] (Former World Record)

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Best. Speedrun. Ever. LOL

gg Spyrunite. 😛

Turned out that the x7 for 77 seconds cookies were added to the game right before I did this run.

Current WR: (6:39)

In all seriousness, me and Spyrunite were discussing routes and stuff…. I had some math behind my route and methods… but… rng is the winner — pure luck.

PS. I’m never running this game again. xD
PPS. Do you like my overreactions? 😀


UPDATE: Here is my original route (credit to Spyrunite also, for chatting and figuring the route with me):

[This was my plan before starting]

-Get cursor and first cursor upgrade (for +2 on each click)
-Get to second cursor upgrade (for +4 on each click)
-Get 4 mines (10,000 cookies for first mine, the 4th should be 15,xxx)
-Get 4 Shipments
-Get 2 Alchemy Labs
-Depending on how run goes, try for another alch lab (I thought I should get 3), otherwise, shipment, otherwise mine, etc
-when less than 50,000 cookies are needed to get to 1 mil, spend on anything you can, down to farms
-yeah, that’s basically it… it’s not a well-defined route, and should be adjusted depending on the golden cookies

[Notes after this run:]

Now that I’ve seen the 7×77 golden cookies… I think it is probably more profitable to spend on factories to take advantage of them (depending on when during the run golden cookies appear)
I am sure there are better routes, but, definitely changes need to be done to take advtange of the golden cookies. (pray to rng gods? :P)